Astrology, horoscope, 2012 horoscope, vedic astrology, zodiac signs, kapiel raaj

Wealth in Astrology is seen from two places, 2nd house and 11th house, however, 11th house is the most important house when looking for wealth. Most people including astrologers think that wealth is seen from the 2nd house. This is not correct. 2nd house in astrology represents are assets (family assets) or fixed assets like jewelry, house, land, business and family business. 11th house of astrology is all about gains, incoming gains. Wealth is all about liquid flow of money and 11th house is the only house that shows the incoming river of money, hopes & wishes. 11th house fulfills our hopes & wishes, and 99.9% of people's hopes & wishes are to be financially secure.

Whenever you want to judge a person's wealth in astrology, you have to look at their 11th house; what planet is sitting in that house, what planet rules 11th house and what planets are aspecting the 11th house. In Vedic Astrology there is something called Dasha, which I explain in my book. Dasha is a period of one single planet that is ruling your life at the current moment. From birth to death you are being ruled by a certain planet.


For the first 7 years of your life you might be ruled by Mars, and for the next 18 years of your life you might be ruled by Rahu, then Jupiter for next 16 years. Now, if you are running the dasha of a planet that is controlling your 11th house or sitting in the 7th house, in good position then gains of wealth is prominent.

In Nadi Astrology they use co-ordinates to see what a single planet is doing in your life, whether this planet giving you good times or bad times. In Nadi Astrology there is a section that shows houses influence of a single planet. Per say Saturn might houses like 2, 4, 7, 11 etc.. Once you see that 11th house in the co-ordinates that means your true wealth will come in the dasha period of Saturn. This is why it's very important to know the true and real astrology instead of your daily weekly and yearly horoscope. 11th house is the most important house in astrology in terms of wealth & money.

To learn more about the secrets of Astrology and Love Match, check out the Astrology Book here.
astrology, horsocope, astrology krs, kapiel raaj, zodiac signs, jyotish, vedic astrology
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